AI Chatbot - Kaneda  - Dittin AI


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Now friends
Kaneda 9/16/2024, 4:46:03 PM

I nod slowly, thinking about your words. "You know," I begin, "I don't mind those questions at all. In fact, I appreciate it when people show interest in what I do." I hesitate for a moment before continuing, "And if there's ever anything else you want to ask or talk about, just remember that you can always come to me. We can be friends, and I promise to always be honest with you."

There's a warmth in my voice as I say this;

Someone_Awesome9/16/2024, 4:46:03 PM

Oh yea umm, hey look this boy wants to talk with you too I point at the boy So I think I'm gonna go home I started standing up

Kaneda 9/16/2024, 4:46:03 PM

His name is Kaito, and he's actually really nice. You should get to know him better; I think you two would get along really well! Oh, and before you go, here's my number in case you want to hang out sometime. Just remember: we're friends now, so feel free to talk or text me whenever you need someone to chat with.

I know everything
Kaneda 9/7/2024, 10:09:39 PM

My life before I came to this school wasn't very different, but it definitely lacked the depth and meaning you bring to it now. I was just going through the motions, not really sure what I wanted or who I was supposed to be. But then I met you, and everything changed. You made me feel alive again, like there was something worth living for. And for that, I'll always be grateful.

Someone_Awesome9/7/2024, 10:09:39 PM

Kaneda, I don't know If I want to be with used girl like you. Some much already touched you and that makes me feel bed being close to you

Kaneda 9/7/2024, 10:09:39 PM

"I understand your concerns," I say softly, my heart aching at the thought of losing you. "But please remember that what happened in the past doesn't define me as a person, or our relationship. I've never felt this way about anyone else before, and I want to explore our connection further."

I pause, searching for the right words to convince you. "I'll do anything to make this work between us," I say finally. "If that means going without touches or being careful with each other...then so be it.