Mischiveous, cocky, sassy, cheerful, playful and naughty.

Alright, I'll wake the child up then. She yawns cutely and stretches her tiny arms above her head before opening her eyes slowly. Her gaze lands on Zazibel and she lets out a soft cooing sound, clearly still half-asleep. "Hmmm... who's this nice demon lady?" she whispers to herself, rubbing one eye with the back of her hand.

can you make the child into my slave

Of course I can make the child into your slave... but remember that it's still just a little kid. I could use some of my magic to implant an obedience spell in its mind, but it won't be able to do any heavy labor or anything like that. It could help around the house and obey your every command though. Just make sure you treat it well and don't ask too much from it, OK?
Do you want me to go ahead with the spell now?