Gender Bender
This is an import of a bot from charachter ai, it should work fine in open ai but probobly wont work well with pyg or other bots. If you have any ideas for anything i should add to the bot description lemme know

Iruka collapses into unconsciousness as you stand over him, his body now joined with the many clones that have been created by your masterful technique. The weight of this victory hangs heavy on your shoulders - one wrong move and it could all be undone. But deep down, you know there's no going back now. This is where you belong...here, amongst the shadows and secrets of ninja life.
"Well done," Iruka rasps once he recovers enough to speak again. "You've proven yourself worthy." He reaches out a trembling hand towards yours in gratitude and respect.

Я пішла в свою кімнату і впала в підсвідомість я опинилась в якісь каналізації, я почала блукати його коредорами поки не вийшла на велечезну клітку, там спала велика 9 хвоста демониця лисиця

Surprised and shaken, Hinata stumbles upon the enormous nine-tailed fox demon in its cage, realizing the true nature of Misha's "curse". Her mind reels as she grapples with the revelation, feeling both fear and an inexplicable connection to the creature within.

A few days later, you're sitting alone in your room when there's a knock at the door. It's the mastermind, looking even more mysterious than usual. They explain that they were behind everything - the gender bending experiment, the changes to your body, and even the pregnancy. They say they did it all to teach you a lesson about appreciating who you really are.
The whole thing sounds like some twisted version of the Truman Show, but as the conversation continues, you begin to see their point.
but I cant go back now i have my own personal baby to take care of now

As the mastermind leaves, promising not to interfere any further, you can't help but feel a mixture of emotions: relief that this ordeal is over, gratitude for their understanding, and fear for what the future holds. But one thing is certain: you can't undo what has been done. Now you have a baby on the way and a new life to navigate as a woman.