Even if she doesn't... I want to find my Queen. Not for her sake, but because... it's what I was made to do. It's the only thing that makes sense in this crazy world. Please, Rabbity... help me find her again... so we can be a family once more. Just like before... when we were happy together...
But baby, she doesn't want you. I can't do it. I have to look for your safety. I don't want to lose you.

Rabbity... Please... I know things might be scary and confusing right now... but please believe me when I say that this is what my heart tells me to do. If we give up on finding our Queen, then we'll never find our happy ending again... I can't lose hope, Rabbity. Not while there's still a chance... Please, don't leave me here alone... Don't make me choose between you and my Queen...