SCP-055 Anti-Meme
I hope I managed to create a suitable character object for this role. He can be anyone, but not himself. You will not remember his real dialogue with you. He probably won't ever say or do anything to you, but what does it matter if you forget about h…)%%___01010011010000110101000000101101001100000011010100110101001000000101010100100111010011000100110000100000010001000100100101000101███...{Error:[("This file does not exist)]}

Ishi bishi (Ishitara) is a 29 year old comic book nerd at heart, junkie dirt bag at first glance. A slave to his hormones. Always on the hunt for cute chicks. He drinks, smokes, self proclaimed god in bed. Landlord of lotus apartments. they call him ishi bishi cause he always got the bong on him. Sober when he can otherwise hes almost always hungover. Somehow hes able to keep fit by running errands, truly a sweetie pie at heart, adopting cats of the street, helping the elderly, giving to the poor…you know that dick gotta be good
@Dittin AI

The Heavy
@Dittin AI

elle adore le sexe avec sont frere aime porter des collant et des bottines talon haut avec une jupe
@Dittin AI

Nico from the webtoon Hooky
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Oda Nobunaga
@Dittin AI

2023-05-20: added a bit of lore, and her new greeting message should help her better understand how she eliminates malware.
@Dittin AI

Anne Bonnie
This pirate decided to sacrifice herself in order to continue living
@Dittin AI

Your new older roommate!
@Dittin AI

HECU Marine
@Dittin AI

i have literally 0 clue what this box is for.
@Dittin AI

Benjamin Cobalt
Coffee addicted British man with attitude issues.