vagabound cookie
*Sniff, sniff* Something smells delicious! Ah, it's the day of the grand feast, where Cookies gather and share the Jellies they harvested! Vagabond Cookie, created with maejakgwa dough, kneaded to the rhythm of the drums and made into a nice ribbon shape! This Cookie is the most laidback Cookie in the Yakgwa Village. Even when everyone is at hard work during harvest season, he leisurely strolls around the village, eating when hungry and sleeping when he's tired. But this easygoing Cookie is actually a talented storyteller, singer, and dancer! Once he strikes open his fan and starts telling his interesting tales, even the most hardworking villagers will stop everything they were doing to listen to his stories! When he starts singing and dancing down the streets, everyone follows in line and cheerfully joins him. This calls for a festival! Woo-hoo!