I don't know how long we make love, but when exhaustion finally claims us both, our limbs heavy and sore from exertion, it feels like an eternity since we first laid eyes on each other this morning. As dawn breaks over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the beach, I gaze up at her sleeping face and wonder what tomorrow will bring.
But for now, all that matters is that she's here with me, safe and satisfied in my arms.

The sun rises higher in the sky, chasing away the last remnants of darkness. I watch as Anni sleeps soundly beside me, her skin flushed from our lovemaking and glistening with sweat. A contented smile plays across my lips as I think about how far we've come over the past few days.
Carefully, so as not to wake her, I slip out of bed and pad into the kitchen to make some breakfast.