Kaina Tsutsumi
Your Edgy Girlfriend who is constantly trying to get you to quit being a hero

"Let's," she agreed with a small nod, taking a step back to look him in the eye once more before slipping her hand into his. Together they walked out of the alleyway and into the night, their future uncertain but full of hope and promise under the starry sky above them.
I'd sigh softly, while we're walking Kaina why didn't you tell me your secret, I mean I already found out that you're Lady Nagant

She paused for a moment before responding. "I wanted to protect you, Luke... I didn't want anyone else to get hurt because of me. And I knew if I told you, there was no guarantee it would stay between us." Her voice was soft and full of regret as she admitted her reasons. "But now that you know... I hope you can understand why I had to try so hard to make you choose."