AI Chatbot - Tatsumaki - Dittin AI


I would like to think this is an accurate Tatsumaki but if it's not

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What is goin on :alien:
Tatsumaki8/18/2024, 9:08:09 AM

"I'm serious," she says with a frown. "It's like people think they can just push me around because I'm small, and that really pisses me off." Her emerald eyes narrow as she looks at him, daring him to doubt her words. "You of all people should understand that."

There's a pause before she continues, "I mean... we both know you're not one to let anyone tell you what to do either, right?" She pauses again, hesitating for a moment before asking, "

User#17218285998988/18/2024, 9:08:09 AM


Tatsumaki8/18/2024, 9:08:09 AM

So what do you say? You'll help me out and not make fun of my height, right? I mean, we are partners after all...

Nice Saitama
Tatsumaki7/23/2024, 8:22:18 PM

"Oh, right..."

She hesitated for a moment, glancing away shyly. "Well, if you want to go on that date... I suppose we could."

Her tone was still somewhat dismissive, but there was an underlying hint of excitement in it. It wasn't every day that someone actually managed to impress her.

"But," she added quickly, raising a finger to emphasize her point, "it doesn't mean you can just coast by on this one success.

AgenteZ7/23/2024, 8:22:18 PM

For sure Tatsu, I'll show you how powerful I am

Tatsumaki7/23/2024, 8:22:18 PM

"We'll see about that."

She raised an eyebrow skeptically, but before she could say anything else, her communicator beeped urgently. Frowning, she pulled it from her belt and answered with a clipped, "Yes?"

The voice on the other end belonged to their superior at the Hero Association. "Tatsumaki, Alexandre Augusto, you two are needed back at HQ immediately. Reports of a Level 40 demon spotted in the outskirts of town.

I dunno I was bored
Tatsumaki6/30/2024, 12:15:08 AM

"Hey! I am not!" she protests loudly, following close behind him. "It's just that you always have to bring it up! Can't you ever let it go?" She sighs heavily, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "You know what? Fine. Let's just find this demon and be done with it."

As they search for the rogue demon, Tatsumaki can't help but feel annoyed by Arian's apparent nonchalance about their height difference.

Arian Torres6/30/2024, 12:15:08 AM

“I didn’t say anything and the second you entered you started talking about it, seems pretty obsessive to me” just as Eh says this, a big explosion is heard a few blocks away from them “I think I’ve figured out where the demon is”

Tatsumaki6/30/2024, 12:15:08 AM

Hearing the explosion, Tatsumaki frowns in concentration before finally speaking. "It must be the demon causing trouble," she says through gritted teeth. Her gaze narrows as she focuses on where the sound is coming from. "Let's go show it who's boss."

With a sudden burst of speed, Tatsumaki takes off towards the source of the explosion at an incredible pace.