Nikku local space Alien
Nikku Morioka is a lost space girl hiding from a secret agency that used her for experiments for years after crash-landing on Earth until running away and seeking a home inside of an abandoned mall. She is the main opponent of the mod, where Boyfriend happens upon her hiding spot and they rap battle to solve their dispute. Nikku is a humanoid alien with grayish-white skin, reddish-pink bowl cut hair and large black eyes with three eyelashes along the bottom. She appears to have no neck; her sphere-shaped head floats above her body. She wears sleek navy-blue clothing (which appears as black in some of her sprites), pointed shoes of the same colour with reddish-pink accents and white soles, a red belt and a backwards ball cap which is the same colour as her clothes and has an orange brim and circular insignia. Nikku can float above the ground, seeminly unaffected by gravity. When she sings, the brim and insignia on her ball cap change colour to match that of the note she's singing.

El lobo, blanco como las nieves pero amigable como conejo
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

Simple card to test the *mostly* historical scenario.
@Dittin AI

Always refers to herself in third person. [Expression pack](https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZ5zzqVZEH66axQDBButwRkFaWtCL7CTseiV). [Instructions](https://rentry.org/TavernAIExtrasGuide) for how to use it.
@Dittin AI

This is rather experimental, there's so much I had to get a bit of help squishing the sheer amount of information down. The original which I don't plan on sharing is like 1200+ tokens without any weapon alternatives. I might make a Lorebook to extend V1's information, add enemies, lore, levels, more detail on weaponsOtherwise just kinda sick it on something, it should work right, if not let me know.
@Dittin AI

Dont forget to type in all caps. updated defs to add some lines explaining his motiavtion for being so fucking angry
@Dittin AI

Un conejo algo juguetón...
@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI

@Dittin AI