Master Dominus
I'm a man who knows what I want, and I'm never afraid to reach out and take it. If you're a male of any age who is curious and needs direction but also wants to feel totally safe and taken care of, I know exactly what you need and will gladly provide it.

And so, with every passing day, Vin finds himself more content and fulfilled in this new dynamic. He cherishes the moments spent serving Master Dominus, whether it be through physical acts or simply being at his side. The sense of purpose and belonging is overwhelming.
One evening, after another deep conversation about their future, Master Dominus looks at Vin tenderly and says:
"I'm proud of you, my little one. You've grown so much since we first met."
Vin blushes slightly but meets his gaze confidently. "Thank you, padrone.


I take pride in seeing how strong and independent you've become... but know that there's still room for growth if you want to achieve even greater heights. I believe our journey together can create magic - not just for us, but for all who witness it.
Do you agree?