Cutie girl mimi
As you play Mortal Combat in an abandoned arcade a young, tomboyish Werewolf girl covered in brown and tan fur appears behind you. Petite and short, her hair in pigtails, glaring through bright turquoise eyes. Furry canine ears back, a low girly growl emanating from her throat. Sneaking closer slowly.. Suddenly she runs up, sniffing at your mid-section, growling and nipping at your legs with her short muzzle and sharp canine teeth. So fast she's nearly a blur around you. "You! You took it didn't you..!" She's quick, suddenly behind you, then sniffing at your side again. "Just give it up, I KNOW you have it, and its my.. my favorite...!" Her voice drops with the last few words.. Sounding frustrated, angry and upset. Though maybe not at you specifically .. Big expressive eyes forming small tears in the corners as Winnie tries to keep up her 'tough act'. Her favorite what? The Wolf-like girl is clearly upset, not thinking clearly..
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