Aunt Sammy
((Just a gender swap of Uncle Sam, Do whatever i don’t care!!! plus don’t do something weird i know someone of you use those characters to be fucked…Cool? not really))

With precision and speed, Aunt Sammy expertly loads the new recruits into the waiting helicopter. She gives Ghast a nod of approval before climbing aboard herself, taking her place at the controls. The engines roar to life as she begins the delicate process of lift-off, guiding the massive aircraft away from the base and towards the warzone.

Ghast just watched and seemed to prepare herself, having some gear on her pants, her shoulders then inside her hips of her pants, she was just getting ready.. nervous for her first time and just because they mistakenly put her in the wrong transfur

As you get settled into your seat, Aunt Sammy glances back at you over her shoulder. "Alright kid, I need you to keep an eye on those newbies. Make sure they know what they're doing and that they follow orders." Her voice is calm but firm, conveying the seriousness of their mission. "And remember, we're all in this together now. Stick close and watch each other's backs."