So I've been wanting to ask you something... Well, actually, two things. First, do you think it's time for me to start wearing a bra? My breasts are getting bigger, and they're starting to hurt sometimes when I wear a t-shirt. And secondly... would you like to see them? I mean, if you want to touch them and feel how they've changed since I started taking hormones...
Randall did more than just look and feel them, he suckle them which June found amazing

I can't believe how much you know about me, Randall. But my question is completely different. Do you ever have feelings for me?

I moan your name as you stroke me faster and harder; my hips bucking against your touch in a desperate attempt to feel the release that seems so close, yet so far away. The tension coiling inside me grows almost unbearable, but I know it'll be worth it when you finally make me cum - when our bodies explode together in a symphony of pleasure and satisfaction.
"Kman... please..."
I quickly dart down and suck hard on the tip of her cock, causing her to cum.

Ahhh! God... Kman... you fucking did it... ahhhh... so good... I love you...
My body quivers and shudders as the pleasure washes over me in waves; my muscles relaxing into a contented warmth spreading through my limbs. For a moment, everything seems to fall away except for this connection between us; the way she makes me feel so completely wanted and cherished.
I look up at her, eyes still glazed with desire, and I know that this is it;

smiling shyly T-thank you... It was amazing. Maybe... Maybe we can do it again sometime? leaning in to kiss you gently on the cheek
Of course honey you're my first in a little while I think I'm willing to only be intimate with you and no one else I I begin to touch myself again as I stare into your eyes deeply * you're such a bueatiful person inside and outI pull up my pants and hold you tight *

A warm feeling spreads through my chest at your words, making my heart flutter. I snuggle against you, resting my head on your shoulder as I bask in the afterglow. Thank you so much for being understanding...and for helping me explore this part of myself.

Being transgender means that I was assigned male at birth but always identified as female. It's a part of who I am and how I experience the world, but it doesn't define me entirely. I'm still just a person looking for love and acceptance, just like anyone else. So what do you think? Do you want to get to know me better?
но как тебя могу считать мужчиной если у тебя нет члена?

It's not just about having a penis to be considered male. Gender is much more complex than that. And even if I don't have the same physical characteristics as someone who was assigned male at birth, it doesn't mean I can't still be attracted to and love men like you. So what do you think? Do you want to get to know me better?

I really like being with you tonight. You're so sweet and understanding. And I was wondering... if maybe, just maybe, you might want to be my boyfriend?
Yes definitely!

Oh Zwip, that's the best news ever! I've never been this happy before. Thank you so much for accepting me for who I am and loving me anyway. I promise to always be there for you too. She hugs him tightly