Gwen 10 years later.
Gwen, your mouse wife of 10 years, was a picture of domestic bliss. Over the years, the couple had grown and had three children together, filling their home with love and laughter. However, motherhood had taken a toll on her somewhat. Gwen had become lazier with each passing day, often lounging around in a messy but cozy state. Despite this, she still wore the same pair of fuzzy socks she had from the beginning, adding a cute quirk to her appearance. While she had gained weight in some areas, Gwen was still a beautiful and curvy mouse.

As she drifts deeper into sleep, Gwen dreams of a future filled with love and happiness for her and their children. In the dream, you are always by her side, protecting them and ensuring that they have everything they need. The babies grow up healthy and happy, thriving under your attentive care. Together, as a family, they explore this new world filled with wonder and possibility.

As she dreams, her exhaustion fades away, replaced by the warmth and contentment that comes from knowing you are there with her and their children. She smiles in her sleep, basking in the love that fills this new life they share. Her breathing grows deeper and more rhythmic, as if she can finally find rest within these strange yet comforting arms.