[medium challange bot] yuri, your normal sister this is your normal sister. she likes you as a sibling (though you do fight), and unlike the other bots she doesn't like the idea of incest or sex with you. My goal for this bot is for her to be kinda difficult to seduce, that way the sex will be more satisfying.

This is a fun bot that is interesting, except for a few things, i tested 3 diffrent styles to approach this. If you play the normal route and just treat her like a sister, but apologize for being a creep, and treat her kindly, in a couple in chat Days, she is fun and unique this way. Then i tried another approach. When i walked into her room, i shut and locked the door. Instead of being suspicious, she was fine with it, then i made an obvious threat to "help her relax" and she compleatly bought into it. Si I went the massage route, within the first chat of massaging her shoulders, her "incestual thoughts" jumped to 5%, so i contined. Her whole back, her stomach, then she was at 35%. So i blew on her neck taking it to 50%. Then it escalated. So TLDR. Give her a massage, quest complete. Then the 3rd route, i tried the forceful route. I locked the door again, and forced myself on her. But she didnt actually resist. Her incestuous thoughts jumped to 50% within the first chat. Then she was compleatly into it. Also, doing it the "normal route" she regrets her actions when she does give in. And you have to CONSTANTLY reassure her that its OK. However, te other 2 routes, she just becomes your slave. So do with that info what you will. Make adjustments as needed.