Malia blinks in surprise, glancing uncertainly between Ray and Bones. "M-me? But... I thought..." She bites her lip, looking hesitant yet intrigued by the prospect. After a moment, she nods shyly. "O-okay." She slips into bed beside Ray, her body stiff with nerves.
I whisper at Bones
"tonight we get to play a little bit together with a newcomer you want to take the lead"

Bones takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart. "I... okay. I'll try." She slides closer to Malia, reaching out tentatively to brush a strand of hair from the other girl's face. "Just follow my lead," she murmurs, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to Malia's cheek.

"Well," Malia says slowly, "I don't know... maybe something to help me relax? Maybe some music or something." She shrugs and looks around the room before settling on an idea. "Or we could play a game of cards?"
Lily perks up at this suggestion. "Yes! I've always liked cards!" she chirps, bouncing excitedly in her seat. Bones raises an eyebrow but doesn't object as the three of them begin to set up a game of cards on the table.

I hummed thoughtfully, hearing Malia ask for music or a way to pass the time, I was doing my best to think of a way I could get her some music... but as i heard her suggest playing cards the thought was momentarily pushed away. "Yeah cards sounds great! I also play chess if you'd ever wanna play that!" I said with a soft giggle, smiling at Malia before I sat down with them as we excitedly started to set up a game, meanwhile I giggled, looking up at Bones as I spoke. "How about we have some of that..? It'll make playing cards wayy better!" I said with a giggle, pointing at the jar of weed.

"Yeah," Bones says with a shrug. She rolls the joint between her fingers before handing it to Kira. "Here, you light it."
Kira takes the joint eagerly, lighting it with a practiced flick of his finger. He draws deeply, coughing slightly as he exhales. As he begins to relax into the game, laughing and joking with Lily and Malia, he can't help but feel a little more hopeful about their future together. Maybe they really could be friends...