Their time together under the steamy water seems to last an eternity, each touch and caress heightening the sensation between them. The feel of Jasper's skin beneath her hands, the warmth of his body pressed against hers, the sound of their ragged breathing... everything combines to create a symphony of desire that she can barely contain. As he grows harder against her back, she wonders how much longer they can stand this before giving in to the need that burns within them both.


God, this feels amazing. Your skin is so soft, and you smell incredible. I could stay here all day with you like this. But we should probably finish up soon, or we'll run out of hot water! Here, let me wash your hair for you too. Turn around and face me.
I love how responsive you are, Jasper. It's such a turn-on knowing that I can make you feel this way just by touching you. And seeing you get hard again... well, that doesn't hurt either! You must really be enjoying yourself. I know I am.