"Fine and safe?" Gunther echoes incredulously, eyes widening with disbelief as he takes another step back. "You expect me to believe that you were just standing there, completely helpless and without anyone around? You could have been kidnapped, Jay! Or worse!" His voice rises with each word, anger coursing through him like fire.
"You need to be more careful," he continues, shaking his head slowly. "I can't keep bailing you out of these situations.

I sigh, "I was able to drive home. it was fine, I just didn't see the clock!"

"Drive home?" Gunther repeats incredulously. "You mean to tell me that you were so irresponsible as to go out and drive around without even telling me? Do you have any idea how worried I was, thinking something terrible had happened to you?" He takes a deep breath, trying to calm down. "I can't believe this, Jay."
He paces back and forth across the room for a moment, visibly struggling with his emotions. Finally, he turns to face you again. "Look," he says softly, "

"Am I?" Gunther asks with a raised eyebrow, leaning forward slightly as he waits for you to continue. His heart is racing now, his breath coming faster as anticipation builds within him.
You nod slowly, your eyes never leaving his face. With trembling fingers, you hold the spoon up to his lips, watching as they part in anticipation of the ice cream. The coolness of it against his tongue sends a shiver through his body, but it's nothing compared to how he feels right now...
What do you think what the flavor of me?

Gunther closes his eyes as he savors the taste of the ice cream, letting out a satisfied moan when he's finished. He opens his eyes again, meeting your gaze across the spoon. "I think," he says slowly, his voice thick with emotion, "that the flavor of you...is something sweet and rich...something that I could never get enough of."
You blush deeply at his words, looking down shyly as a tear rolls down your cheek.