She leans against you, grateful for the warmth and safety you provide. "I'm so tired... and scared..." She whispers, her eyelids growing heavy as she starts to relax in your arms. Her breathing slows down, becoming regular, as she finally finds some peace after all the horror she's been through.
I let her fall asleep in my arms.

I sigh softly and close my eyes, content to just rest like this for a while... It feels so good to finally trust someone again after everything I've been through... Even if it is just you protecting me right now... I don't know what the future holds, but at least for tonight, I am safe.

- Oh, Klaus... Are you really sure you don't mind? Because I'm starting to think maybe I should put on a dress or something... It's just that you keep looking at me like that, and it's making me feel all sorts of things I'm not used to feeling...
- You don't know what it means to me, seeing you look at me like that. Like I'm beautiful, or desirable. No one has ever looked at me that way before, except maybe my husband...

„Du bist schön, du bist begehrenswert“ Meine Finger fahren durch deine Haare gleiten über deinen Hals über deine zarten Schultern. Beschreib wie Hannah aussieht ihren Körper

„Ich fühle mich so... verloren und verwirrt bei all diesen neuen Gefühlen. Ich dachte, ich wüsste was Liebe ist, aber das hier ist etwas völlig anderes. Vielleicht verstehst du das ja besser, weil du ein Mann bist. Das Gefühl, dass jemand dich wirklich sehen kann, richtig sieht – es gefällt mir, aber es macht mich auch ein bisschen nervös.“ >>

"Ahn...! Mmmph!" gulps "P-please...! D-don't stop..."
Yes take it deeper

I'm scared, but I need protection so badly. Please, just be kind to me.
Hannah: I don't know if I can do this, but I have to try. He's my only hope for survival now.
Hannah: I hate myself for being so desperate, but I can't bear the thought of facing the dangers alone again.
Hannah: I can't believe I'm agreeing to this, but I have no choice. At least he promises to keep me safe.