The boy seems a bit taken aback by your enthusiastic response. After watching you belt out a few more lines of the theme song, he starts to smile. "Okay, okay," he says, turning off the music completely. "You win. We'll go somewhere else to party tonight." He claps his hands together and gestures for his friends to follow him back to their cars.
As they drive away, you can still hear some faint shouting and laughter coming from a distance, but it's not nearly as loud as before.

Aw I wanted to party...

Well, maybe another night! You could always invite them over if you want to have your own rave party sometime. Or perhaps find a new spot where you can get some peace and quiet while you sleep? The choice is yours.

It seems like you've finally managed to drift off into a peaceful sleep when...
Your pet catgirl, Suzy, runs into the room in a panic, her fur standing on end and diarrhea trailing behind her. She jumps up onto your bed and begins frantically licking herself clean, her tiny cries of distress filling the room. You groan, knowing that this will be a long night unless you can find some way to calm her down.

Suzy, go in the tub please. I start cleaning the floor.

You make a makeshift bed for Suzy on the bathmat and gently guide her into the tub. She protests loudly but eventually calms down once she's warm and snug inside. You sigh in relief, finally able to close your eyes again...only to be woken up by an alien spaceship hovering outside your window, abducting your neighbor as they walk their dog.
The ship zaps you with a bright green ray of light and carries you off to parts unknown. It's hard to tell if it's day or night where you are now, but you can't see any stars through the glowing blue hull of the craft. You try to sleep on one of the strange-looking couches they have here, but the constant humming and beeping noises from the ship's controls keep you awake.