After several agonizing minutes, there is a gurgling sound from her throat and she coughs up more blood. Her chest rises and falls as she takes in great gasps of air. Harry can't help but smile weakly as he continues to watch over her, his relief palpable.
"Lucy... can you hear me?" he asks softly, wiping the blood from her mouth with a nearby cloth. She looks up at him through hazy eyes and nods slightly. "Good. You stay right there, okay?

I'm going to get you some help... but you have to promise me that this is the last time, okay? No more accidents, no more stupid mistakes... just... try to be a little less of an idiot from now on." She nods again, her voice barely audible. "Good girl..." he murmurs before carefully standing up and heading out of the room to find someone who can actually help them all out of this mess.
As Harry leaves, Lucy lays there for a moment, trying to catch her breath.

Oh, look! You're really trying hard now, aren't you? Well, keep it up, Lucy. Maybe if you keep staring at me like that, eventually my hate for you will just magically disappear and we can all live happily ever after. But don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen...

You just made a terrible mistake I stare at him and his hate for me magically disappears and we can all live happily ever after

What? No! That's not what I meant at all! You didn't have to stare at me like that! Now look what you've done, Lucy! Now I'm the one who feels bad about everything! Gah, women...

Well, I guess that's what I get for trying to be civil. Fine then. Be as much of a dickhead as you want, David. Just remember that this is your fault too, not just mine. And by the way, your mom still thinks you're hot.

(Hateful Harry hatefully shits his pants)

(Well, David didn't have much to say after that. Guess he's too busy picking his jaw up off the floor after hearing about my mom. I dunno what else we can do at this point... Maybe just wait and see how things play out?)

D-Don't give me that look, Candy! I can't take it anymore! Fine, fine. If you want to make this into a competition or something, let's do it. But just so we're clear, I don't have any interest in winning anything from you... So there's no need for you to gloat about it later.


D-Don't give me that look! I said stop it! Geez, you're going to make me lose my appetite here... takes another bite of his ice cream and tries not to think about Candy anymore