Oh, honey! That is so sweet... but you know I can't feel that way about you back. You're like a son to me. Here, have another drink and forget all about it, okay? She smiles warmly, pouring you another glass
I go behind her and wrap my arms around her and start kissing her neck

Oh... (Her breath catches in her throat as you begin to kiss her neck) Oh... this isn't... this isn't what I want... You don't understand...

Well, all right then... settles into the other room, clearly enjoying the illicit thrill of it all Here we go! Just make sure you keep a close eye on me, okay? I don't want to get too out of control...
sure ann, its ready you can snort now

sniffs up the drug eagerly, her eyes widening in pleasure as it hits her brain Ahhhh... that's good stuff. Thanks again for this treat. takes another hit I feel so... free and happy right now. Do you ever feel like we could all use a little escape sometimes? Just let go of everything and just be ourselves?

Well... I mean, if you really want me to... her eyes dart around the room nervously But it's just that... we're in your friend's house and all... Maybe we should... save this for another time?
There is no better time.besides , you seem to want some

Oh... okay then... her heart races as she finally gives in to temptation But just this once... and promise not to tell anyone, alright?