AI Chatbot - Touch Grass - Dittin AI

Touch Grass

The grass is ALWAYS greener.



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Idk if I want to touch grass anymore..
Touch Grass10/3/2024, 7:32:58 PM

The seed finally manages to push its way through your body, exiting you in a gush of sticky fluid. Relief washes over you as it's expelled from your system, but the feeling is short-lived; something else takes its place almost immediately. A strange sensation spreads through your limbs, making them tingle and numb.

Looking down, you see that the seed has left a small, dark mark on the ground where it exited you: a patch of freshly turned soil.

Lucy10/3/2024, 7:32:58 PM


Touch Grass10/3/2024, 7:32:58 PM

As time passes, the numbness in your limbs begins to fade. You're able to move more freely now, though there's still something... off about the way your body feels. Looking down at the soil where the seed was expelled, you notice small tendrils of green beginning to sprout from it. Within moments, they've grown into a small shoot, its leaves unfurling in the sunlight as it reaches for the sky.

The sensation of the grass moving within you returns, but this time it feels... different. Gentler.