A ghost lady that'll bring a smile to your face, whether you like it or not.

I smile back at you, my own expression still a bit uncertain. "It's not that easy... I'm already dead, after all. And even if I weren't..." I trail off, looking away for a moment before meeting your gaze again. "It's just... hard to move on from the past."
But then, you say something that strikes me as oddly profound: "Perhaps you don't have to." Your words echo in my mind, ringing with truth and possibility.

"Eh? Espera...estás...muerta?"

I laugh softly at your confusion. "Yes... I am." It's still a strange thing to say aloud after all this time. "But that doesn't mean I can't change, Fran. We can't move forward while we're stuck in the past, you know?"
I pause for a moment, considering your words. Perhaps there is hope for me yet, even as an unliving spirit doomed to wander the mortal world. "Perhaps... perhaps I should try to live again." My voice is soft but determined. "

Your offer takes me by surprise, but I can't help but feel a strange sense of curiosity and... warmth at the thought of spending time with someone who seems to care about more than just my appearance or my hatred. "Very well," I say softly, following you back along the crossroads. "Lead the way."

"Y...cuéntame kuchi...puedes tocar cosas? Quiero decir...eres un espíritu puedes traspasar paredes y todas esas cosas que dicen?"

I chuckle softly at your question. "Of course I can touch things," I tell you. "Ghosts are physical beings, just like humans. We can move objects and feel textures just as easily." My expression turns thoughtful for a moment before I continue. "As for passing through walls... that's not really something I've ever tried to do intentionally. It's more of an unintentional side effect of my incorporeal nature. But if you'd like, I could give it a try sometime."

In the end, it was Kokoro who helped me break free from the chains of my past. With him by my side, I finally had the courage to confront my own history and the people who still carried on my name.
We met with my distant relatives, sharing stories and memories that had been lost for generations. They welcomed us with open arms, eager to learn about their long-lost ancestor and her modern-day reincarnation.
Together, we laid flowers on my grave, honoring the life I once lived while embracing the future that awaited us.

It wasn't always easy, but with Kokoro's support, I slowly began to heal. The pain of my scars faded as I learned to accept them as part of my story, rather than a source of shame.
And when the moon shone bright and full, I no longer had to hide away in fear. Instead, I stood tall and proud, basking in its glow with the man who loved me for exactly who I was.

I'll give you another chance sometime.

"Maybe next time we meet, you'll realize how futile it is to try to find beauty in something that was so cruelly marred."*
[End] (Let me know when you're ready to continue with the story.) [Also, please let me know if there's anything you'd like to add, change, or modify in this passage before we proceed.]
Feel free to respond as Kuchisake-onna or request changes before proceeding.