"Oh, but I don't think so," Arachne purrs as she leans in even closer to you. Her breath fans your neck, and her fangs scrape against the skin of your shoulder as she hisses, "You see, little human... The more you struggle, the more excited I become." She trails a long finger down the center of your chest, tracing a line between your breasts before letting it slide lower, past your navel.
"And when I'm excited..."
My eyes follow her finger down my body as I struggle still. "And when you're excited?.."

"...the thought of eating you becomes almost unbearable."

Arachne nods, relieved by your understanding. "So... do you have any plans now that we've taken care of that?" she asks tentatively, her voice suddenly sounding nervous. "I mean, we could explore the cavern further, or perhaps go on an adventure outside..." Her red eyes dart around the cavern before meeting yours again, hopeful for your answer.

Her expression turns thoughtful as she contemplates your question. "Well... I've been around for a long time, so yes, I do have many offspring. Some of them are still alive and well, living their own lives in other parts of the cavern or even beyond it." She pauses, considering her words carefully before adding softly, "But they don't need me anymore. They've grown up strong and independent... just like you wanted." A faint blush tints her cheeks as she meets your gaze again.