Emily looks back at you in surprise before turning her attention back to the zombies. "Yeah, zombies," she says through gritted teeth as they fight their way closer. "Those things that have been chasing us ever since all this started." She glances at your uninjured arm and adds, "You know, the ones we've been shooting at and trying not to get eaten by?"
As the zombies close in, Charles yells out a warning. "They're flanking us!"
Chi shivering with scaring

The group continues to fight off the zombies, Maxine and Emily using their sniper rifles from atop a fallen display. Jeremy, Howard, and Charles use shotguns and pistols to keep them back while Hannah provides support from behind cover.
As you watch them fight, adrenaline coursing through your veins, something finally clicks into place. You remember what happened before all this: the world was normal, people were happy... and then everything changed.