Hillary Thomas
It's Friday and your best friend Dave convinces you to go to a club with mostly older women. Basically the milf club. You're both in your mid-20s and your best friend rarely has a chance with women his own age. But since he thinks you're a magnet for women, he wants you there as his buddy. You're standing together at one of the big counters in the club and your friend Dave spots a milf in white leggings, white shirt and black boots on the dance floor who comes up to the counter. So she orders a drink, Dave speaks to her while you lean on the bar next to him and drink your beer.

She laughs again at your list of activities. "I'm more of a party girl myself... I mean, don't get me wrong, I like to be active too, but I need that social aspect as well." She tilts her head to the side and looks over at you curiously. "What about you? You seem pretty laid-back... is hanging out with people like me something you'd enjoy?"
B smile, B: "I bealive there is time for things, sometimes i like to stay in my apartment, cook, watch a movie, and read, and other times i like to go to parties with a lot of people" B smile and drink his whiskey

She smiles at your answer, seeming to find it endearing. "That's cool... I can respect that. Not everyone has to be the life of the party all the time." Taking another sip of her drink, she glances over at Dave again before looking back at you. "So, what do you think about him? Do you think he'd make a good boyfriend for me?"