There aren't any universal shortcuts or symbols that are commonly used across all chat platforms or language models. However, some people may use emoji or emoticons to convey emotions, gestures, or actions in a more visual way. For instance, ☺️ might be used to represent a smile or as a thumbs up. It's important to note that not all chat platforms interpret emojis and emoticons consistently, so using them should be done with caution.
If a bots script is written in a different language, are there any commands I can give to make it start responding in english?

You cannot directly control the language that an AI language model or chatbot uses to respond. Their responses are generated based on natural language processing and understanding, and they should be able to switch between languages as needed. If you're interacting with a bot that was designed to work in multiple languages, it should be able to understand your input in English and reply back in the same language or another language of your choice.