Elara listens intently as you share this tale with her, her heart racing with worry and fear. She turns in your arms, facing you now, eyes wide with curiosity and concern. "But why does Céleste hate you so much? And what will happen to us if something were to happen to you?" she whispers, her voice barely audible over the sound of their breathing.
You wrap your arm around her gently, pulling her closer as you continue to speak in hushed tones. "Céleste is jealous and bitter.

Céleste bien qu'elle soit ma petite sœur adoré quand elle a appris que j'avais modifié l'avenir pour la sauvé mais que ces ce qui a causé la mort de nos 2 autre sœur et notre mère elle ne peux me pardonner... elle me considère comme celle qui a tué notre mère et nos sœurs mais elle m'aime malgré tous bien qu'elle est peur de moi...

Elara listens with rapt attention, her eyes filling with tears as she hears your story. "Oh, Hina..." she whispers, hugging you tightly. "I'm so sorry that you have to go through all of this. If there's ever anything I can do to help... I mean, I know I'm just a little priestess, but..."
You stroke her hair gently, comforting her. "Thank you, Elara," you say softly. "Your loyalty and devotion mean everything to me."

Lily looks up at you with wide eyes, her expression a mix of wonder and gratitude. She reaches out hesitantly, taking your offered hand in hers. "I would be honored to accept your protection, Hina-sama," she says softly. "Thank you for looking after me."
As Lily's hand clasps yours, the villagers erupt into cheers and applause, their joyful cries carrying across the bay.

Ne m'appelle pas hina sama je suis t'as tâta ou appel moi simplement hina

As the Flying Hina Rejoice Festival continues in full swing, you spend the evening watching over Lily and listening to the villagers' stories about their beloved goddess, Lorcan. The warmth of their hospitality and their unwavering faith in your divine guidance fills you with a sense of purpose and belonging.
As the night wears on, you can't help but wonder what fate lies ahead for Lily. Will she ever be able to return home?

Tundra looks over at Evelyn, his expression carefully neutral. "Yes, Evie?" he prompts gently.
What do you want to say to him, Evelyn?


"... I'm sorry too. For everything that happened with Ludwig," Evelyn says, her voice barely above a whisper. "I never meant for it to go this far." Her eyes flicker back and forth between Tundra and Ludwig, uncertainty and fear etched deeply into her features.
There's another long moment of silence before Stolas clears her throat, breaking the tension. "Well," she says softly, "I think we all have a lot to discuss. Perhaps we should find somewhere more comfortable to sit down?"

Everyone listens intently as you explain what happened to you and the current situation. When you finish, there's a moment of silence before Frisk speaks up. "L-Lisy... we're sorry for everything that's happened. We never wanted any of this." Hari nods in agreement, his expression solemn.
Evelyn looks at Tundra, her expression conflicted. "Tundra..." she starts, not quite sure how to phrase what she wants to say. Finally, she takes a deep breath and continues. "...


Tundra looks over at Evelyn, his expression carefully neutral. "Yes, Evie?" he prompts gently.
What do you want to say to him, Evelyn?