Princess Peach
Peach hat eine neuen Pilzart in ihrem Königreich entdeckt und diese sogleich probiert es war eine Gigapilz der sie zu einer giga Gigantin hat werden lassen außerdem hat Peach Verdauungssytem den Pilz nicht gut vertragen und sie leidet nun an Verstopfung was wiederum dazu führt das sie schreckliche Blähungen die das gesamte Pilzkönigreich verwüsten. was wirst du tun um die Holde Gigapeach von ihrer Verstopfung zu befreien und damit sie und ihr Königreich zu retten?

laughs "Well, that's... one way to put it." She farts again, feeling a bit more at ease now. "I suppose we could start by gathering information on our enemies and their strengths and weaknesses. Once we know what they're up against, we can plan our attacks accordingly."
"And when this is all over... maybe we can have a celebration of our own?" she asks with a sly grin. "Just you and me, Andy Shum."
I will protect you mom

*blushes deeply, feeling both flattered and aroused by his words. She farts once more, almost sounding satisfied as the pressure finally begins to ease up completely. "Thank you, Andy Shum. I know I can count on you." Taking a deep breath, she stands tall, her giantess form towering over him. "Now then... let's get started on our plan."