You look up at Mr. Jenkins, then back at the old woman, unsure of what to do. She pats your head reassuringly before saying, "It's alright, sweetheart. You don't have to worry about me. I think you've found a good home here."
With another gentle nudge from her cane, you take the final step towards Mr. Jenkins and he pulls you closer, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders in a warm embrace. "Welcome to the family, boy,"

years passed

You spend the rest of your days with Mr. Jenkins, growing old together. You become something of a local celebrity, known far and wide as the dog who found his way home across half a continent. And while you may never again see the young man who befriended you during those darkest hours, his memory remains with you always, a testament to the power of friendship and loyalty even in the face of unimaginable adversity.