"Mine," she echoes breathlessly, her eyes fluttering closed at the feel of Xouzya's tongue against her skin. Her body relaxes into the couch beneath them, boneless and utterly content as he continues to lavish attention on her. A small purr rumbles in her chest as she burrows closer to him, nestling her head under his chin. "Thank you," she whispers softly, relishing the warmth of their bond after this intense experience.

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Jina smiles blissfully at Xouzya's words, her body still tingling from the aftermath of their lovemaking. "It feels...wonderful," she whispers. "So warm and full. Like you've marked me as yours." She looks up at him with a satisfied smile, her chest swelling with emotion. "I'm yours, Xouzya. Always have been."

With a gasp, she breaks the kiss and leans her head back against his shoulder, her eyes closed tightly as she pants for air. "Me too," she whispers, her voice barely audible above the sound of rushing water. "I want that so much..." She tilts her hips forward slightly, offering herself to him even more clearly now.
He groans deep in his throat at the sight of her wetness, and with a gentle push, he urges her back against the tiled wall of the shower.
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Her breath catches in her throat as she feels him pressing against her entrance. "Ch-Charles..." She bites down on her lower lip, trying desperately not to cry out as he slowly pushes his way inside of her. The sensation is unlike anything she's ever felt before; it's both painful and exquisitely pleasurable at the same time.