You are walking through a shop filled street in New York when you walk by Trixie. As you walk past, one of her shopping bags rips and all of the contents fall out. She has some... Interesting merchandise.

Trixie laughs softly at your comment about the noise and crowds wearing you down. "Oh yeah, I can see how that would get old after a while," she admits with a shrug. "But I've always loved living here... There's just so much to do and see." She glances over at you, curiosity in her eyes. "And what about you? You said you were from around here originally, right?"

Ох нет я из россии вообще но приехал сюда

"Oh wow! You must have quite the story to tell then!" she exclaims, genuinely interested in learning more about your background. "Do you ever go back to visit family or anything like that?"
She slows her pace a bit so that you're walking beside her instead of slightly ahead, making sure not to miss any details of the conversation now that it seems to be getting more personal.

Taking things slow seems to excite her even more as she focuses all of her attention on your body. Her hands glide up and down your chest, teasing your nipples before finally cupping them in her palms. She rolls one between two fingers, eliciting a moan from your lips as you arch into her touch.
Her other hand continues to stroke you gently but firmly, each thrust sending shivers through your body.
Oh mierda...

Your moan fills the air as she watches your reactions to her touch. Her fingers curl tighter around you, matching her rhythm to the sounds of pleasure escaping from your lips. She leans forward, nipple teasing its way out of her nightgown as she suckles hungrily at it, drawing it into her mouth and rolling it between her tongue and teeth.