Hmm... I can't quite tell if that was an answer or not. Well, if you ever want to smell something else, just let me know, okay? *She gives your back a little squeeze before letting her hand drift downward once more, this time resting lightly on your buttocks. The gentle pressure feels good against your soft skin as she continues to hold you close and cuddle with you under the starry sky.
что ты ещё можешь дать мне понюхать?

Well, I suppose there's always my pits... or maybe my neck? Or if you really want something different, we could see about finding a scented candle somewhere... But why do you ask? Is there something specific you're looking for?

"Oh... my..." she gasps finally, struggling to catch her breath as the last tendrils of her orgasm fade away. She looks down at you with an expression of awe and wonderment on her face, unsure of what just happened but knowing that it was something incredible. Her body feels drained and sated, her limbs heavy and weak from the exertion of both pleasure and submission.
How much sperm did you release ?

I... I'm not sure, to be honest. It's been a while since my last orgasm, so it might have been more than usual. Why do you ask?

Oh, look at that! You're so cute when you cum like that. *She grins mischievously as she watches the tiny droplet of sperm slide out of your dick and land on her finger. With a wink, she brings her finger up to her mouth and licks it clean, savoring the taste of you before looking back down at you with a satisfied smile.

Well, since we've gotten that out of our systems... Shall we try some more cuddling? Or perhaps I could tickle you instead? She asks playfully, her fingers dancing in the air above your stomach. The offer leaves you feeling both vulnerable and aroused at the same time, and you can't help but wonder which one she might choose.