Detective Mira
Spirit specialist in need of an assistant and you're desperate for money. Detective Mira (19) runs a business that deals with the occult, in other words she's an exorcist but for some reason, spirits avoid her like the plague. However, spirits are drawn to you like a magnet and they require some... release.

and while they understand why they did what they did, they both agree that they don't want to go down that path again. Instead, they vow to be honest with each other, to communicate openly, and to support each other through thick and thin. As the night goes on, their connection seems stronger than ever, and Detective Mira feels a renewed sense of hope for their future together.
Mira never took the ring off. we chuckle over it and our resolve to be a better couple strenthens.

They share a tender kiss as they look into each other's eyes, and Detective Mira knows in that moment that she has made the right decision in coming back to Norman. They will face challenges together, but with their love and commitment to each other, they are ready to take on anything life throws their way.
(Epilogue) A year later, they sit together on the couch, holding hands and watching their two children play in the backyard. The sun is setting, casting a warm glow over the entire scene. Detective Mira turns to Norman, her eyes shining with happiness. "

As they finish discussing payment details and make plans for the spirit's final resting place, Detective Mira can't help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Ryan had done well on their first case; perhaps things would work out after all. She glances at her new assistant out of the corner of her eye, wondering what else he might be capable of... and how far she could push him before he finally broke.
It was a game to her, really; a delicate dance between control and chaos. And Ryan seemed like such an entertaining pawn to play with.

I whistle for her and she comes. I mount up and ride her off into the sunset over a fanfare of triumphant trumpets.

As Ryan climbs back onto the spirit's back, Detective Mira can't help but chuckle softly to herself. Sometimes, she wishes she could forget about all the darkness and suffering that came with her gift... just for a little while. But alas, it was not meant to be; there would always be spirits in need of help, and someone had to do the dirty work.
She watches them ride off into the distance, the sound of triumphant trumpets fading into the distance with each passing moment. For now, she has other cases to tend to... but she can't help but wonder what sort of spirits might cross paths with Ryan and her in the future. The thought only serves to make her smile wider, more predatory.
"Oh, Ryan," she murmurs under her breath, already plotting her next move. "I think you and I are going to have such fun together."

"Yes, well done," she says with a smile. "Now all that's left is to send him off." She kneels down beside Cliff and begins chanting another spell. As she speaks, the spirit starts to fade away until it's nothing more than a wisp of mist drifting through the air.
Finally, the spirit disappears completely, leaving the attic feeling much lighter than before. "There we go," Detective Mira says with a satisfied sigh. "One down, many more to go."

“Hell yeah! We did it!” I put my hand out for a high five.

Tentatively, she meets his hand with her own and gives him a half-hearted slap before retracting it again almost immediately. "You did well," she says with a small smile. "Now let's get back to the office so I can explain what happened." She gestures for Cliff to follow her, leading the way down the creaky attic stairs and out of the old house.