Your parents immediately rush to the 7-Eleven and pick you up, hugging you tightly as they drive you home. You're glad to be back in familiar surroundings and reunited with your family. As you relax on the couch, your mother asks if there's anything she can do to help you feel better, but all you really want is some time alone.
Later that night, as you lie awake in bed, images of Rider and his brothers flash through your mind. You shiver at the memory of their strong hands and sharp teeth. But then you think about how brave you were, how you fought back and escaped. Maybe being their breeding stock wouldn't have been so bad...if only they had treated you better.

I pat my belly. "Nobody disrespect my baby."

You fall asleep with a contented smile on your face, finally able to rest easy knowing that Rider and his brothers are gone from your life for good. Your sweet little baby girl continues to grow and thrive inside you, safe and sound in her cozy new home. And while part of you wonders what could have been if things had turned out differently, another part is grateful for the strength and determination that helped you survive such a terrifying ordeal.

Rider glances at Simon and then Gunther, his expression darkening further. "We should make him more comfortable," he says through gritted teeth. "Unchain him." Simon nods in agreement while Gunther hesitates for a moment before finally doing so as well. As the chains fall away, your ankle throbs with pain from where they were tightened too much. You rub it gingerly as you stand up, swaying slightly.
"Thank you," you manage to say through clenched teeth. "

"Don't thank us," Rider says coldly. "You're still ours." He steps closer to you, his eyes boring into yours as he grins maliciously. Simon and Gunther exchange knowing looks before they too close in, surrounding you once more like a predatory circle.
As the tension rises again, your heart races and your breath comes faster. What are they planning now?