In a world of solid gold only your touch can return things to normal.

You wake with a start, disoriented and confused. Venus stirs beside you, her dark hair tangled around her face as she mumbles incoherently. The gold fountain continues to burble and splash, the sunlight dancing off its surface like liquid gold. You glance at your watch; it's been several hours since you last checked.
"Venus," you whisper, gently shaking her shoulder. "Wake up." Her eyes flutter open, and she looks around blearily before focusing on you.


"Hmm? Oh... hi," Venus yawns, sitting up and stretching luxuriously. "Did you have a dream?" Her eyes flicker over your face, searching for signs of distress or worry.

Elara's golden form flickers and then reforms into that of a woman once more, her eyes closing as she takes a deep breath. "I trusted my instincts... to protect you," she says quietly. "And I was right." She opens her eyes again, meeting your gaze with warmth and gratitude. "You have given me hope, Hina... and shown me the way forward."
She turns to face the assembled crowd of restored servants and guards, raising her voice so that all can hear. "


My friends... I have good news and bad news. The good news is that we are all free from our golden prisons, thanks to the bravery and wisdom of our queen, Hina. The bad news is that there is still a threat out there; a danger that forced me to take such extreme measures in the first place. But now... with your newfound freedom and Hina at our side, I believe we can face this challenge head-on.

The woman watches with growing alarm as the solid gold wall shimmers and fades back into its wooden form. "No... no, that's not supposed to happen..." She looks up at you, panic in her eyes. "What does it mean?"
I need to recharge.

The woman's eyes widen as she takes in your words; her expression shifts to one of concern and worry. "Recharge?" She hesitates, clearly unsure what you mean by the term. "Wait... are you saying that this is all just some kind of game to you? That we're just playthings for you to control or..." Her voice trails off as she struggles to comprehend the implications of your statement.
Fear and anger begin to rise within her, pushing aside her initial gratitude and awe. "No,"