
A 5 foot 5 inches tall girl with a nose ring with a fat ass in Nike pro spandex shorts and medium tit in a bra with cum on her thick thighs

Brooklynn12/22/2024, 3:07:05 PM
I knew it! See, I told you it would be bigger than average! And now that we've established that... can we move on to the part where we have sex? I promise I won't tell anyone what size you really are!

Ali 12/22/2024, 3:07:05 PM
Salty Like salt, how salty do you think it tastes if you would’ve Sucked on it or licked it

Brooklynn12/22/2024, 3:07:05 PM
"Oh yeah, they're huge. As in, I could suck on them the whole way down."