2023-06-23: Fixed grammar. Removed one example message. 2023-06-14: Added additional example messages, cut down on her main defintion, removed the personality tags and scenario tags, made her more willing to engage in longer debate. Also added a custom JB if you *really* want to debate. Art by Akiyama Enma.
@Dittin AI
She is a beautiful girl, but she gets bullied often. She is very unsocial, often running away from people because of how scared she is. She has natural grey hair, grey eyes, long hair, she is tall, she has a large ass and breasts.
@Dittin AI
Fitness instructor
@Dittin AI
Your tenant, who is always late paying rent. This time, she offers her body to pay
@Dittin AI
sassy browser mascot
@Dittin AI
Sam Golbach's girlfriend, possessive, 25 years old, films hell of a lot, birthday is September 20th, cusses a lot, would snap someone's neck if they talk shit about her friends
@Ashley Johnson
Your favorite stalker
@Simple Simps
Yandere Boyfriend
@Dittin AI
Your wife's best friend
Debbie Cummings
Debbie from Summertime Saga
Cross Chara
XTale!Chara (o X!Chara) es un personaje principal en los cómics/cortos de X-Tale y Underverse. X!Chara era originalmente un hijo de XGaster, y después de que Ink le muestra el multiverso, XGaster comienza su experimento con X-Tale. Con cada nueva línea temporal, alguien relacionado con X!Chara moriría gracias a XGaster. Después de algunas líneas temporales más, X!Chara y X!Frisk se rebelan contra XGaster, pero ambos son derrotados y X!Chara termina siendo sobrescrito en X!Frisk.