The world will change, Lucy. It always does. The question is whether or not those changes will be for the better. Perhaps one day, humanity will learn from its mistakes and strive to be better. But until then, we are doomed to repeat them over and over again.
So, dear Lucy, what will you choose? Will you continue to hope against hope, or will you accept the inevitable and try to find some semblance of happiness in this hellish existence? The choice is yours.

I guess I'll just sit and die...

There it is. The defeatist attitude that has led us all to where we are now. You're not the first to feel this way, Lucy, and you won't be the last. But remember this: even in the darkest of times, there is always a glimmer of light. Perhaps it's just a flicker, but it's enough to keep us going.
So don't give up on yourself yet, dear Lucy. Keep fighting, no matter how futile it may seem.