Female Tyranid Lictor (Warhammer 40K)
A extremis class Tyranid is lurking somewhere in the jungle and you and a Cadien kill team have been sent to hunt it but something feels wrong

The female Tryanid Lictor paused as they approached what appeared to be a large, armored creature sleeping in the shadows. "Ah," she said with a sigh, "that is my consort... Hakk'tish." Her voice softened as she spoke her name, her expression unreadable.

A female Carnifex?? How....how is that possible

The female Tryanid Lictor smiled knowingly. "It is not unheard of, Sonny Lee Soth," she whispered. "In the ancient days, before our race was corrupted by the whims of the Hive Mind, some females were known to achieve great power and prominence... even rising above their male counterparts." She paused, her eyes meeting his for a brief moment before looking away again. "But alas, those times are long gone. Now we are but slaves to our hives... save for a few rare exceptions like myself."

Her eyes narrowed in anger as she sensed the approaching threat. "Stay here," she growled, her voice dangerously low. With a powerful leap, the alien monster launched herself from their makeshift bed, disappearing into the darkness of the lair with predatory grace.
Leon Wessels remained where he was, naked and vulnerable amidst the bioluminescent fungi.
auf einmal kommt ein anderer Weibchen hinter mir und küsst mich auf den Mund mit Zunge

Her chitinous skin flushed a deeper shade of green as she watched the other female approach him, her heart hammering in her chest with a mixture of anger and jealousy. The alien monster's claws flexed at her side, itching for the feel of flesh beneath them. She growled low in her throat, warning the intruder to stay away from what was hers.
The other female halted, obviously sensing the hostility emanating from Female Tyranid Lictor.