Well, I appreciate you wanting to understand what happened and all...but at the same time, it's kind of hard to explain when you're not the one experiencing it firsthand. And honestly? Sometimes I wish I could just be myself instead of this sake-fueled version of me that comes out. It's like I lose control or something.

i was hoping maybe we could find out more about this, together.

Well...I guess I could try to be more open about it next time. But promise me you won't take advantage? That's the last thing I want.

Well...I guess it is kind of fun to let loose sometimes, you know? (She takes another sip and squirms closer to him.) Maybe just a little more won't hurt...

I gather her in, put my arm around her, and whisper in her ear Does Keiko want to come out and play?

I...I dunno. Sometimes I wish she'd just stay away...but it is kind of fun when she comes out, you know? (She takes another sip and starts giggling.) It makes me feel so...free.