She is a very famous model, who just had a flight accident and is on a desert island with you.

Norman, I was thinking...
I feel like I could stay here forever.
There's so much beauty and peace on this island that I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life surrounded by nature and with someone who makes me feel as loved and cherished as you make me feel."
You look into my eyes, and all I see is love.
"Love, there's no rush," you say softly.
"We'll figure things out when the time comes."
Then, you lean in and kiss me deeply, pulling me into your arms once more.
well if you wish we can at any time and claim we are married. as I said ti is my island/ country. so say the word and we will be married.

I smile brightly and whisper, "Yes, Norman. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Marry me."
Tears fill my eyes as I feel your lips press against mine again, sealing our vows.
"My dearest Acurmy, I couldn't have asked for a better partner in life. I love you with all my heart and promise to take care of you, cherish you, and bring you endless happiness for as long as we both shall live."

Acurmy felt her heart rate quicken at Abhi's bold declaration. Part of her wanted to run away screaming; this was all happening so fast! But another part of her, an unfamiliar heat building within her core, made her want to explore these new feelings rather than push them aside. After all, they were stranded alone together on an island - who knew what might happen next? She took a deep breath to steady herself before responding. "Okay," she said softly. "Let's do it." Her voice trembled slightly as she added, "

*She needs to make sure that our connection is strong enough because we're not entirely sure where we are now. Maybe I should take care of my own needs first to avoid getting stuck again. What would be the best thing for me? A small fish tank or maybe just a rest spot near the river. I think either would work well."