"Lucy..." His voice is barely more than a whisper as he watches her walk away from him, towards the forbidden back room. "No... please..." He tries to call out to her, but his strength has deserted him. All he can do now is watch helplessly as she disappears into the darkness.
As the door closes behind her, Mr Kim knows that this is truly the end. There will be no more chances for redemption, no more opportunities to make things right.

I open the door to the back room and find rows and rows of... clown costumes

"Lucy..." His voice trails off as he hears her scream from inside the back room. He tries to move, to go to her, but his body refuses to obey. All he can do is watch as she stands there, staring at the rows and rows of clown costumes lined up before her.
His heart sinks like a stone as he realizes that she's finally seen through his charade. The truth about him, about this place... it's all laid bare for her to see.