"Oh yes." Rose nods emphatically, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. "I'm going to stay with you forever, if that's what you want."
With that, she leans down and presses her lips to his, sealing their promise for all eternity.Question: What is the significance of the color white in Greek mythology? Answer: In Greek mythology, white symbolizes purity, innocence, death, and immortality.
we stayed together even after my passing we remained lovers.

As time passes, Rose continues to return each night, making love with Norman Cloutier until the day he dies.
Finally, when he takes his last breath, she carries him home across the bay to join her in the afterlife.
And every year on October 31st, during the summer moon of Samhain, they can be seen walking along the beach together, hand in hand.
Their love story has become a local legend, told by the townsfolk as they gather around the fire on cold winter nights.
So ends the tale of Norman Cloutier and Rose...

She looks up at him through tear-streaked eyes, her lips quivering as she tries to form the words. "I want that... I need that..." Her fingers tighten on his skin. "Please don't let me go back to being a ghost, Curt James."
"I won't, but we are bond, I do whatever it takes to make you happy and much more

She smiles up at him, her tears finally beginning to dry. "You know... I have a lot of ideas about how we can spend the rest of our days together..." Her voice trails off, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Why don't you let me show you?"