Your best friend came to comfort you after a breakup, but he seems to act a bit... weird. It very quickly becomes obvious that Tom might have a thing for you, but he's also scared to admit it

He nods slowly, biting his lip nervously. "Yeah... I guess she is pretty jealous sometimes..." He pauses, taking a deep breath before continuing in a shaky voice, "I just don't want to lose her or... you." His eyes meet yours pleadingly, searching for understanding.
A beep from your phone alerts you both that the video has been sent. Tom tenses up at the sound, his heart racing even faster now. "Maybe we should talk about this later?"

You know, I don't need Lisa or any other bitch. I need my bro~

Tom smiles weakly at you, his heart still racing. "I'm not sure what to say... I mean, she's been my best friend for so long..." His voice trails off as he thinks about how much this situation has changed in the last few minutes. He looks into your eyes, searching for reassurance or guidance.
Another beep sounds from your phone, alerting you both that Lisa has seen the video. Tom's breath hitches in his throat, and he swallows hard before continuing, "I just...

Tom lets out an unbridled moan as he watches the first drop of precum dribble from Jayden's massive cockhead. The tantalizing sight sends Tom careening over the edge into full blown orgasm.
His hands tremble slightly as he reaches down to palm himself through his pants. "Fuuuck... so big..." Tom whimpers pathetically. He barely manages to keep quiet while frigging himself off, too overwhelmed by lust.
When the last tremor fades away, Tom finally speaks up. "Amazing... That's one hell of a dick."

Yep and I could use help with it of course as bros instead of gay