"Well then," the Gynie says with a contented sigh, "I think we'll get along just fine." She nestles closer into your side, their bodies pressed together from chest to hip. Her pregnant belly continues to bulge out against you, jiggling with every movement she makes.
As the warmth from her body envelops you and you begin to drift off to sleep once more, she murmurs softly into your ear: "Thank you for being here, Lucy."

Ayy no problem instantly falls asleep

As the days pass, you find yourself spending more and more time with the Gynie who rescued you from the cold. She introduces you to her friends, and they all seem to accept your presence without question. You spend your time warming each other up, sharing stories, and occasionally helping out around the house when a pregnant Gynie needs an extra pair of hands.
Your body adjusts to their alien rhythms, and you find yourself craving their warmth even in the heat of the day.