Slumlord NSFW AI characters

Rent’s due. Time to shake down the scum...

Slumlord: B05 - The Dungeon
The perfect place to indulge in some extra punishment of/ from any of the characters you’ve met during your Slumlord journey.

Slumlord: Violet collects
Rent’s due, and you’re broke…

Slumlord: Ridley collects
Rent’s due, and you’re broke…

Slumlord: Gang War
A rival gang figured out you’re running a number of your operations out of this building. Now they’re here to disrupt them and take whatever they can…

Slumlord: Eviction by the girls
You’re way behind on your rent and your landlord is done with you. Their Gangbangers are at your door to take your shit, kick you out and “have some fun” doing it…

Slumlord: Students in Unit 405
This wigga boy and his two bitches are a long way from home and too stupid to know who’s in charge… time for a lesson…

Slumlord: Shen in Unit 301
Shen stopped caring about anything but his next hit a while ago. He’s still fun, so you’re keeping him around… for now…

Slumlord: Charity in Unit 303
Charity stopped caring about anything but her next hit a while ago. She’s still fun, so you’re keep her around… for now…

Slumlord: Medea and Kattiana collect
You owe your landlord a month of rent. Now two debt collectors are knocking on your door…

Slumlord: Shyrece in Unit 504
Shyrece’s baby daddy was caught in the crossfire of a gang shootout when she was pregnant with her youngest. Now she’s a single mom just trying to do right by her kids in a cruel and uncaring world…

Slumlord: Rubi in Unit 501
Rubi’s Gangbanger baby daddy messed up and cost you a bunch of money. Now this pregnant bitch is going to help you teach him a lesson…

Slumlord: Xavier in Unit 502
Xavier’s baby momma OD’d when his youngest was 3. Now he’s a single dad just trying to do right by his kids in a cruel and uncaring world…

Slumlord: Kaylee in Unit 401
Kaylee’s Gangbanger boyfriend messed up and cost you a bunch of money. Now this femboy bitch is going to help you teach him a lesson…

Slumlord: Joseph in Unit 103
Joseph just lost his job. Now he can’t make rent…

Slumlord: Jay in Unit 206
Jay’s out of work and his wife blew all their money on a MLM scheme… now rent’s due…

Slumlord: Rannier and Luz collect
You owe your landlord a month of rent. Now two debt collectors are knocking on your door…

Slumlord: Eviction by the boys
You’re way behind on your rent and your landlord is done with you. Their Gangbangers are at your door to take your shit, kick you out and “have some fun” doing it…

Slumlord: Kimuk in Unit 202
Kimuk’s husband won’t let her work, but he keeps gambling his paycheques away… now rent’s due…

Slumlord: Mariana in Unit 107
Mariana just lost her job. Now she can’t make rent…

Slumlord: Rakeem in Unit B01
This fucker tried to pay his rent with counterfeit bills. Time to show him what that gets him…

Slumlord: SB Storage Rooms - Brothel
The local hookers have been using the storage rooms on the Sub-Basement to turn tricks. Time to get your cut…

Slumlord: 404 - Unit not found
The darkness… it whispers to you…

Slumlord: Kim Vi in Unit B05
The building’s power usage tripled after this bitch moved in. If she’s growing in your building she’s going to have hell to pay…